Application Process
Step 1: Submit an Application
Applications for the 2025-2026 school year may be submitted through the online application portal beginning February 3 for new students. In the portal, parents will create student and family profiles, upload required documents, and pay the non-refundable application fee of $50.
*Please note that our Admissions Committee will not review incomplete applications or render a decision until all required documents are received and the applicant’s file is complete.

Step 2: Teacher Recommendation
In addition to the online application, your child’s current teacher will need to complete an online evaluation to complete the application process. As you fill out your application, you will need to provide your current teacher’s email address. He or she will complete the online evaluation that will be submitted directly to St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School.
Step 3: Schedule Admissions Assessment
As part of the application process, prospective students applying to 1st-8th grade are required to take a STAR Reading and STAR Math test. This enables us to evaluate the child’s academic needs and ensure appropriate placement. These Assessments take place at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School. Prospective students applying to PreK and Kindergarten are required to visit and participate in an early childhood assessment.
Please register for the PreK 3 screening visit here.
Please register for the PreK 4 screening visit here.
Please register for the K screening visit here.
Important Dates for 2025-26 Application and Registration
January 21: Current Student Enrollment Opens, $200 per child
February 2: Scheduled Tours for New Families
February 3: New Student Application Opens
March 21: Decision Day for new applicants
Requirements for New Students

PreK Applicants
• PreK applicants must be 3 or 4 respectively by August 1st the year they enter PK3 or PK4.
• Applicants must be toilet trained prior to attending SVdP.
Kindergarten Applicants
• Applicants must be 5 on or before August 1st the year they enter Kindergarten.
Please call or email Sandra Stephens, Admissions Director
(479) 636-4421 or