Creating a better tomorrow for our parish and school!
The $9.4 million Our Faith, Our Children, Our Future School Enhancement Appeal is centered on improving the experience for every person who steps foot on our school campus. Over 1,000 of our St. Vincent de Paul parishioners use our school campus for faith formation, retreats, parish life events, and, of course, Catholic education. As our parish continues to grow, the Our Faith, Our Children, Our Future School Enhancement Appeal’s goal and purpose is to create a safe, secure space for our parish community to gather, no matter the occasion.
Appeal Goals:
Construct a Junior High Classroom Building – Goal: $3,000,000
When the school last made additions to its facilities, it was to accommodate a then-record-level enrollment of 300 students. Now at over 440 students, the student body no longer fits on the school campus. As the iThirst faith formation continues to grow, the parish and school share a pressing need for additional space. A new Junior High classroom building will add four classrooms of education and faith formation space.
Build a New PreK Wing – Goal: $3,250,000
Currently, all three PreK classes enter through doors that open right into a classroom. This causes constant distraction and significant safety concerns. The new PreK wing will create a secure front entrance facing the church. This will lead to a large gathering space and four new PreK classrooms. This addition will increase safety for our youngest students and provide the space to add a full-time PreK-3 program.
New Welcome Center and Renovations – Goal: $3,150,000
Relocating the school’s main entrance back to West Cypress Street allows us to establish the highest standards of security for all at our school. The new main entrance will create a hospitable welcome center, conference room, workroom, and subdivided intervention classroom. This addition will also allow the current administrative space to be converted into an additional flex classroom.
No renderings can illustrate the impact this project will have on our parish community. No floor plans can accurately portray how our faith formation catechists and school teachers prepare our students for college and for life.
At St. Vincent de Paul, we have been blessed with significant growth! Our parish continues to welcome new families on a weekly basis, and our school has seen a 50% increase in enrollment over the last two decades.
As our parish continues to grow, our school building becomes increasingly important to our parish life. The school already hosts most of our faith formation gatherings, and as the program continues to expand, we will need to lean on our school classrooms and gathering spaces even more in the coming years. Our parish also hosts retreats, wedding receptions, and parish life events throughout our school, making it a home for community building and faith growth for many at our parish.
The Our Faith, Our Children, Our Future School Enhancement Appeal is vital for accommodating our parish’s growth, and truly is an extension of our ministry building for many organizations.
For more information on this project, click on the Case Statement above. For questions or to find out how you can support, contact School Principal, Alice Stautzenberger at stautzenbergera@svdpschool.net or (479)636-4421 or Campaign Manager, Dylan Browning at dbrowning@steiergroup.com or (409)749-9971.
Give or Pledge Today!
Parishioner Questions:
I do not have kids in the school. Why should I support this project?
The school building serves more than just our Catholic school students. The parish building is used for most of our youth faith formation, along with several parish retreats and community events. The building serves as an auxiliary space for our parish ministries and is an extension of our parish ministry building for many organizations.
How will our parish benefit from this project?
The parish will benefit from the additional classroom and gathering space that will be made available through our school additions and renovations. The building will add eight new classrooms while several existing spaces will be renovated and updated for new purposes.
What is the parish community's role in our school?
Each of us, regardless of whether or not we have children in our Catholic school, is called to be good stewards of the opportunities and resources that our community has been blessed with. St. Vincent de Paul is a special place. We have several thriving parish ministries and a school that is forming young leaders for today and tomorrow. As a community, we all will benefit from the additional space that will be created as part of this School Enhancement Appeal.
How does our parish benefit from having a school?
Outside of the additional ministry space that our school facilities afford us, the school children and their families bring a unique energy to the life of our parish. Our community is blessed to have a school as a significant part of its parish ministry, and we are called to invest in and steward this ministry well.
The ministry of our parish school blesses far more than just our parishioners. Parishioners across Northwest Arkansas benefit from our school, and with three former SVdP students in formation for the priesthood, soon the whole Diocese of Little Rock will too!