Students learning and actively living their faith on a daily basis is vital to the complete SVdP education. Prayer is integrated throughout each day. Students regularly attend Mass, Adoration, and Reconciliation; receive Sacramental preparation and religious instruction; and demonstrate their faith by working to develop virtues and treat each other with kindness. SVdP also has a very unique peer-nominated Saint of the Month award.

Our students attend and have active roles in the Mass every week and on Holy Days of Obligation. SVdP students serve as altar servers, lectors, cantors, gift bearers, sound board operators, and the choir. SVdP students also serve at many of the funerals in our parish.
- Mass on Friday is attended by K-8th grade students.
- Mass on Thursday is attended by 2nd- 8th grade students.
Our Kindergarten through eighth grade students attend Adoration once a month. The practice of spending time, truly intentional and peaceful time, with the Blessed Sacrament allows us to experience God in ways that otherwise might go unnoticed in the busyness of our daily lives. Whether it be through specific prayers or meditation, our students become Guardian Angels of the Blessed Sacrament.

Jesus Christ, in His love and mercy, established this Sacrament so that we as sinners can obtain forgiveness for our sins and reconcile with God. Our second grade students make their First Reconciliation as part of their First Communion preparation. Third through eighth grade students have the opportunity for Reconciliation during Advent and during Lent each year.
Saint Award
Started in 2017, the Saint Award was designed to help foster character formation in our students. With a purpose of instilling a desire in each child to practice Catholic virtues at home and school, the program also allows for many ‘teachable moments’ that arise each day.
Throughout the month, students learn about the Saint of the Month and the virtue the saint represents. At the end of each month, students vote for a classmate that best represents the virtue of the chosen Saint of the Month, and the winners from each class are announced and celebrated at the first Friday Mass.